Freshers Week 2017 is here and if you're heading off to University here's the ultimate check list.
Fresher's Week can be hectic and you'll probably find yourself doing all sorts from the tedious admin stuff - such as enrolling in your course - to coping with moving away from home for the first time.
And then there's the fact you'll no doubt end up drinking a LOT.
Before you leave, here's what to take with you to University and pack into your Fresher's student survival kit.
Always good to start with some money in hand, especially if places don't accept cards or you can't find anywhere to get money out when you first arrive.
Passport sized photos
Passport (if you’ve got one)
Driving License (if you’ve got one)
National Insurance number
Student Finance details
University letters
Bank cards
Travel cards (16-25 rail card, Oyster, etc.)
CRB check (if required)
Exam certificates (or copies, if required)
Personal items
Make up
Hair products (e.g. combs, brushes, hair, gel, spray)
Deodorant, perfume
Tampons/Sanitary towels
Personal medical supplies, such as prescription tablets or allergy medication
Wax strips/razor/epilator
Nail clippers
Duvet + Pillows
Mattress, duvet and pillow covers (at least two sets)
Door wedge (allow yourself to socalise!)
Toilet tissue
Toothbrush + toothpaste
Shower gel, shampoo, etc.
Razors and Shaving gel/cream
First aid
Good to have a basic first aid kit somewhere around your flat with plasters, bandages etc.
Pain killers
Allergy relief
Cold/flu relief
Sudocrem (for minor burns!)
Obviously. Aside from your day-to-day wear for lectures, also bring along a good formal outfit plus clothes and shoes you don't mind getting wrecked.
Mobile phone
Head/ear phones
Assorted batteries
Hair dryer, straighteners, curlers, etc.
Multi-socket extension lead (will probably come in handy!)
Only take cupboard basics with you, buy fresh things once you arrive.
Instant noodles (See also how to make instant super noodles better)
SWEETS or other munchies
Random bits
Playing cards
Photos from home
Eye mask / ear buds, 'cause halls can be noisy...
Mints and gum